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Financial Aid

After Having A Thorough Understanding Of The Universities Of Your Preference And Your Fit Into The Desired Schools, You'll Surely Agree That The Ultimate Deciding Factor Will Be The Financial Aspect. The Cost To Study Abroad And Other Related Expenses Vary From Country To Country, University To University, And Also Depend Upon The Course You Want To Pursue.

If You Are Able To Get An Educational Loan, Grant Or Scholarship From The College Or University Of Your Choice The Immediate Financial Burden Can Be Reduced To A Great Extent. To Achieve This, Proper Guidance Is Required Which Can Be Provided Only By Professional Firms Like Ours As We Have Been Doing This For 20 Years.

Our Education Counselor Can Help You To - Receive Financial Aid In Terms Of Scholarships/ Research Assistantship/ Teaching Assistantship/ Bursaries Depending On Your Academic Strength

Education Loan

"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." Studying abroad is an important decision and bearing the education costs is quite a challenge. One of the many ways to overcome this challenge is the educational loan. Study abroad scholarships and part time jobs help you to support your living overseas however they might not be sufficient to fund your entire expenses. Therefore, you are mostly required to apply for education loan. Here are some basics about how and when of the educational loan process. If you need more information, then our counselors are always ready to guide and assist you.

What does and Educational Loan Cover?

It mostly covers your tuition fees, living and accommodation expenses, cost of books, cost of commuting etc.

What is the Loan Amount one can get?

Banks and financial institutions have their own set of criteria’s defined for loan limit, the rate of interest, the duration and the method of repayment. Education loans are offered in different slabs. The maximum loan amount ranges from 50 lakhs to 1 crore.

What is the eligibility to avail the loan?

  • As an applicant, you must be a Nepali Citizen
  • A co-applicant (also known as co-borrower) is must, and it can be anyone amongst your parents, siblings, legal guardian or a relative
  • Program Eligibility- Banks have their list of approved programs and Universities, and they do not usually finance distance education, correspondence and certification courses, More reputed the University and program are more are the chances of loan getting sanctioned.

When to apply for an Education Loan?

You can apply for education loan on receipt of offer letter from the University. However, it is a good practice to start arranging the required documentation beforehand.

Whom to apply?

Banks and financial firms offer good schemes of education loan for higher studies abroad at competitive rates of interest. All “A” class commercial banks have their own stringent documentation process and criteria to be fulfilled. Our educational counselor can help you shortlist the banks to be approached depending on your financial structure, whether the bank provides loan for the course you are opting for and if yes, then up t o what extent, the margin and security requirements, the rate of interest, the proximity of bank to your residence etc. Our counselors also connect you to the relevant people at such banks.

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