Japan is an island nation in the Pacific Ocean with dense cities, imperial palaces, mountainous national parks and thousands of shrines and temples. Shinkansen bullet trains connect the main islands of Kyushu (with Okinawa’s subtropical beaches), Honshu (home to Tokyo and Hiroshima’s atomic-bomb memorial) and Hokkaido (famous for skiing). Tokyo, the capital, is known for skyscrapers, shopping and pop culture.
Facts & Figures:
- Capital: Tokyo
- Population: 127 Million (2016)
- Dialing Code: +81
- Currency: Japanese Yen
- Official Language: Japanese
Why Study in Japan
There are many good reasons to study in Japan. Some students are attracted by Japan’s high educational standards, while for others the attraction is Japan’s rich cultural heritage. Nearly 5 million students study abroad annually, with that number projected to continue increasing. With over 150,000 international students, Japan is one of the most popular destinations for international students.
The OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) ranks Japanese high school students number one in the world for maths, and number 2 for scientific literacy. Japan has the highest number of Nobel prize winners of any Asian country, and the second highest of any country since 2000.. 49% of Japanese High School graduates enter university. Japan has over 700 universities, with 10 ranked in the top 200 worldwide. Japan is one of the safest countries in the world. Japan also has one of the world’s most advanced healthcare systems, reflected in this high life expectancy. Members of the National Health Insurance scheme pay only 30% of their healthcare costs, with a trip to the doctor or dentist often costing only a few hundred yen (few dollars).
The number of foreign workers in Japan was 717,504 (as of October 2013), which was an increase of 35,054 from the number in the same period last year. This was a record high since the notification of the employment of foreign workers became mandatory in 2007. In recent years, an increasing number of foreign students have been working in Japanese companies after their graduation.
The procedures needed for foreign students to find full-time employment are basically the same as those for Japanese students. You will need to research companies through various reference materials and then contact the company that you are interested in. In terms of schedule, many Japanese firms tend to recruit students fresh out of school. Therefore, there is a tendency that both students and companies perform various recruitment and employment activities during a particular season. It is important that you are aware of the schedule. Grasp the schedule for finding full-time employment and think of what you need now.
List of Documents required in original from student for Japan student Visa.
- Academic Documents
- Passport
- Relationship certificate with citizenship (only family)
- Income certificate with supportive document (3 fiscal Year).
- Address Verfication
- Birth Certificate
- Contact verification
- Land Ownership documents
- Property Valuation Report
- Bank documents (certificate + statement)
- Tax clearance certificate
- Work exprience(if you have gap after your studies)
- Verification letter(in case if documents spelling is wrong)
Study Abraod